Information for upgrading from Zentyal 6.2 to Zentyal 7.0 will be published shortly. You can download the Zentyal Server Development Edition 7.0 here:
See the full changelog for all the details. The focus of this release has been on updating the base distribution to the latest Ubuntu Server LTS version and updating all the integrated software. Important enhancements to Zentyal Server Development Edition 7.0 include: The graphical user inferface that Zentyal offers helps to make Linux server management easier for all and specially for new Linux users. It is used by companies and public administrations mainly as a domain and directory server and a file server. Thanks to the integration of Samba, Zentyal provides native compatibility with the Microsoft Active Directory® and allows transparent management of Windows® clients. Zentyal Server provides an easy-to-use Linux alternative to Windows Server®. This version comes with the most recent versions of all the integrated software, including Samba 4.11 and the latest stable SOGo version. This is a new major community release of the Zentyal Linux Server, based on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS. Zentyal Development Team today announced the availability of Zentyal Server Development Edition 7.0.